Thursday, 18 February 2010

Inspired by To-day, by Yeterday, and by To-morrow

Quiz on life/Observational humor, inspired by things I witnessed to-day:

"Oh, shit, I didn't take my Tylenol PM on time because I was distracted by my wine-drinking."
[ ] True
[ ] False.

Bonus question: "I self-medicate because, ohmigawd, I had to sit in the waiting room for 45 minutes, despite having set up an appointment ages ago. Medication via doctor takes too much time/effort/money."
[ ] True
[ ] False.

Bonus question #2: "My self-medication is a manifestation of my self-awareness. "
[ ] True
[ ] False
[ ] see

Bonus meta-question: "The fact that I am self-aware enough to understand that my self-medication is, in part, a result of my self awareness ... that doesn't count, right?"
[ ] True
[ ] False
[ ] ... I have the number of a really great guy ...

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